West Northamptonshire Council are consulting on a new draft West Northamptonshire Housing Allocation Scheme and are looking for views from all applicants.
At the moment there are three housing allocations schemes that cover West Northamptonshire.
The draft West Northamptonshire Housing Allocation Scheme will replace the existing three schemes, bringing it into one. Our draft scheme sets out in detail:
• Who is eligible and qualifies for social and affordable rented housing in West Northamptonshire.
• How applicants can apply for housing.
• How they are assessed.
• How properties are allocated.
For further information and how you can make your views heard, please visit our Consultation Hub.
The consultation will last 10 weeks and residents can take part in the following ways:
• Complete the online survey
• Call us on:
01327 322175. • Email:
ConsultationAllocationsPolicy@westnorthants.gov.uk • Write to:
Housing Allocations Consultation 2023, West Northamptonshire Council, The Guildhall, St Giles' Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE
To request the consultation document in an alternative format, please email
ConsultationAllocationsPolicy@westnorthants.gov.uk or call
01327 322175.
The consultation closes at Midnight on the 26 September 2023