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Your application and supporting documentation will be reviewed by a member of our Housing Team, the outcome of this assessment will determine your eligibility to bid on properties

Eligibility & Qualification

Acceptance on to the housing register

Please read this important information before completing your application

Please only complete this form if you have been invited to reapply, if this is not the case the application will not be processed,
if you are in urgent need for housing please call 0300 126 7000 further details are here Housing register West Northamptonshire Council (


Client Authorisation for Release of Confidential Information

The personal information supplied on this form will only be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998
and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The information will be processed lawfully, fairly and for the purpose(s) it was intended.
All the information you give us on this form will be stored on a computer and/or in a manual file.
The information will be used to assess your housing need and to determine this Councils’ housing duties towards you. It may be shared with other public bodies for these purposes.
The information may be used to assess your suitability to be a tenant.
This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud.
It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.
For further information contact the Housing Options Service on 0300 126 7000.

Refusal to give permission for us to carry out these checks may affect your application for housing.

If we find you have knowingly given us information that is either inaccurate or incomplete, as set out in Section 214 of the Housing Act 1996, West Northamptonshire Council can:

• cancel your housing application
• take action to repossess any tenancy it has provided for you
• take criminal proceedings against you for any offence(s) committed

For information on how the Council processes your personal data please visit:

Please read the following declaration carefully before signing. If you have made a joint application both applicants must sign the declaration.

• I declare that the information I have given is correct and complete.
• I will inform West Northamptonshire Council of any changes in my circumstances as soon as they take place.
• I understand that if I give any information that is false or incomplete, I am committing an offence and that legal action may be taken to bring my tenancy to an end resulting in my eviction or disqualification from the Housing Register.
• I understand that the information I have provide will be used to assess my/ my household’s housing need and to determine this Councils’ housing duties towards me/my household.
• I understand it may be shared with other public bodies for these purposes.
• I have been informed of the actions which this Council will take in holding and processing and protecting my personal data.
• I understand that this Council may use the information I have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud.
• It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.
• I consent to the Council seeking and receiving personal data from other private and public bodies in their work to assess my housing application.

Please refer to the West Northamptonshire Council Housing Register webpage for more information on when you may be eligible to submit an application. If an application is submitted before you have been invited, it may be cancelled.

Please note that completion of a housing application does not guarantee acceptance of your application; or that an offer of housing will be made. You will be advised of the application's status and any additional information we may require once you have completed and submitted your details.

 I confirm I have read and understood the terms described, and would like to apply for housing